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Eczema is one of the most infuriating skin diseases an individual could ever have. The soreness of its symptoms which include, redness, swelling, inflaming, itching and sometimes wounding make a person’s living really difficult. Eczema can range from the occasional flare up to the more severe cases.

Sometimes, this is sensitive to treat. It is even harder to deal with in the case of babies because they have a low control to itching. Since eczema is really scratchy, prickly and is really stubborn, babies and children become so irritable and upset. But there are cases wherein other kids are able to outgrow eczema, but some carry on the sting for the rest of their lives. Adults with eczema can have their jobs, sleep and many other factors of their life interfered with.

Doctors say there is no cure for eczema. But this can be treated and manage by means of these:
•        For children, keep them cool with cotton clothes. Keep their nails short, as well.
•        Know what food could flare up eczema to avoid symptoms trigger.
•        Some tried using Tamanu and Flax oil to help in lock moisture to free skin from drying up.
•        Maintain clean skin by washing it with gentle soaps. Avoid detergents and alcohol as this could start the flare up. After washing, dab skin with a towel and pat it dry. Never rub the skin roughly.

Patience is indeed a virtue. No one is to be blamed if a person has acquired this kind of disease. Deal it with properly and soon find relief.